Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Graduation and Such

Celebration with my fellow Professional Development School class of 2010 was awesome! There was food, fun photographs, plaques given by the superintendent of Pekin District 108, tears, food, family, friends and goodbyes. It astounds me that the 24 of us will be sprinkled across the state of Illinois, with a few even venturing out of state. We have been together for so long, it seems surreal (in the best of ways) that we will be teaching in so many different places. I wish them all jobs in schools that are the right fit for their personalities and interests.

Graduation was a little over a week ago. It went well, despite the person who had a seizure during the Dean of Education's speech. The newspaper said he was alright.

About an hour after being handed my diploma, I was lifting cardboard boxes and moving all of my earthy possessions to a new apartment. Two of my wonderful friends stayed to help with the monumental task. Over a week later, I am still putting things away, but the end is in sight. 13 days before I spend two weeks at my parents' house preparing for my wedding. 25 days until the big day. So much is happening so quickly. Isn't life wonderful?!

How far I have come in the past year: how much I have learned.

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